Monday, November 24, 2008

Random Test Sample

The New American Regressive movement is boldly marching forward. Pining for the days of record stagflation and foreign policy flabbiness, they have taken the mandate of the people against the bad government on display so far in the 21st century, to be a mandate for the bad government of the late 1970's. Convinced of the wisdom of applying old failed solutions to the challenges of a rapidly changing world, they have taken up the battle cry of “fairness” to shield their efforts to save failing institutions from having to adapt. Looking on the desiccated corpse of a once great Europe with envy, they push for our great nation to join them in their growing international obscurity and irrelevance. They tell us that if we gladly give up our military might, economic strength, and unprecedented cultural influence the world will once again love us, for who hates a society that they can ignore?

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