Monday, November 24, 2008

More Random Samples

“Love” is a pitiful and foolish basis for decisions. “Love” has never determined how successful or healthy a relationship will be. “Love” is fickle like the weather. It comes and goes with the seasons.

True love however, is the conscious denial and sacrifice of one's self for another. It is not determined by emotions or words, but rather by actions. It is habitual in nature, not emotional. The root of true love is a decision. It is a choice that one makes. In the most healthy of relationships, both members or the relationship make this decision. If someone truly loves someone else, they will put the other's best interest above their own feelings and interests. For example, if your abusive boyfriend really does love you, and simply can't control himself, he would end his proximity to you so you would no longer get hurt until he could find a way to control himself. If he does not do this for your well being, then he doesn't love you, no matter what you think or what he says. It doesn't matter if he can be “so sweet” sometimes, if he hits you when he gets angry and doesn't try to stay away so he won't hit you anymore, then he doesn't really care about you, but rather how you make him feel. This feeling, commonly known as “love,” has no basis or relation to true love.

“Young love” is normally emotional hype and by nature is shallow and fleeting. No, it is not “beautiful,” but rather it is aggravating and foolish. If you get off on being around the other person simply say so. There is no need to try to make it into anything more relevant, deep, or worthwhile than it really is. It's hormones, emotions, and a vast lack of experience to temper your current situation by.

Random Test Sample II

I searched in vain for a Suburban Journals article reporting the February 14th St. Charles Wellness Commission meeting, only to find a breezy article blithely describing the Smoke-Free St. Charles County Coalition and their Smoke-Free Happy Hour. Raymond Castile reports, “the organization's short term goal is to educate the public by disseminating statistics about health complications linked to secondhand smoke.” While I laud the noble pursuit of education, which was the primary purpose of the happy hour, it completely neglects the active lobbying of Smoke-Free St. Charles County Coalition for a smoking ban in St. Charles.
The reaction of the coalition to dissenting points of view at the Wellness Commission meeting was disheartening to say the least. They casually shrugged off potential economic affects of such a ban, and rankled at tough questions from the Journal reporter regarding the studies of St. Louis Federal Reserve Economist Michael Pacco, and the very Surgeon General's report they were using as the foundation of their arguments. When I confronted them with specific examples of the free market already offering smoke-free options for non-smokers, Don Young responded with accusations of (I'm sure he meant negligent) homicides.
I personally believe an organization that cannot answer simple questions regarding the medical science of their arguments, and reduce those that have serious questions about economic affects of their suggestions to Libertarian nutjobs and mass murderers should be more closely scrutinized by the media. This is especially true for an organization as well connected and funded as this one. It does make me wonder if there is a Politically Correct chilling effect in the Suburban Journals, seeing how I never did find that article from the reporter that was there at the scene.

Random Test Sample

The New American Regressive movement is boldly marching forward. Pining for the days of record stagflation and foreign policy flabbiness, they have taken the mandate of the people against the bad government on display so far in the 21st century, to be a mandate for the bad government of the late 1970's. Convinced of the wisdom of applying old failed solutions to the challenges of a rapidly changing world, they have taken up the battle cry of “fairness” to shield their efforts to save failing institutions from having to adapt. Looking on the desiccated corpse of a once great Europe with envy, they push for our great nation to join them in their growing international obscurity and irrelevance. They tell us that if we gladly give up our military might, economic strength, and unprecedented cultural influence the world will once again love us, for who hates a society that they can ignore?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008